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Collapse Issue 511:<br />25 Jan 2021<br />_____________Issue 511:
25 Jan 2021
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Intersection plans yet to be finalised
Administrator term likely to be extended
Peninsula News - a community effort
Planning matters listed for comment without details
Reports to Council audit committee 'not for public'
Water patrols conduct compliance and breath tests
Church donates $3860 to Kenyan academy
Man charged with biting police officer
Brooke steps down as newsletter editor
Aged care residents watch eggs hatch and chicks grow
Car boot sale resumption delayed
Five seniors living units proposed for Rawson Rd
Proposal to subdivide Woy Woy Bay waterfront block
New application for Farnell Rd development
Residential flats proposed for Bowden Rd
Application to increase numbers at child care centre
Application for three units in West St
No details about residential flats proposal
Food and drink shop proposed
Five-year lease issued for kiosk
Tip vehicle numbers increase by 60 per cent
Hart calls for residents to have their say on rate rise
Rotary club hears about Cambodian project
No Peninsula Australia Day award winners
Gary reluctantly closes his business
Cafe for people with dementia and their carers
Garage fire contained in an hour
Discarded pontoon taken to tip
Dunecare program starts for the year
Bacon and egg rolls at The Bays
New members formally inducted
Rotary club plans Titanic Dinner Party
Stuck possum is rescued
Tree group urges: Plant the right tree in the right place
Heavy machinery and foam used for tip fire
Retaining walls cleaned
Custom-designed bike racks installed in Woy Woy
Events committee to meet
Peninsula not represented
Persson rejects proposal to sell off community land
Dry January after wet December
Collapse  ARTS ARTS

Brooke steps down as newsletter editor

Ms Brooke Hemphill has stepped down as editor of The Bays Community Group newsletter, The Bays Bulletin.

Group president Ms Gwynneth Weir said: "Brooke has done a great job as editor including introducing professional standards to the layout and presentation of The Bulletin.

"However, Brooke has let the committee know that her 'real' job workload has increased, and she needs to relinquish her role as editor.

"This edition of The Bulletin will be Brooke's last."

Ms Weir said Ms Hemphill had put many hours into the Bulletin and had set a high standard.

"We are fortunate in that others have already agreed to take on the role."

The Group's committee positions will also be vacated in coming weeks with its annual meeting scheduled for 7pm on Wednesday, February 17, at The Bays Community Hall, 19 Woy Woy Bay Rd, Woy Woy Bay.

"The current committee will stand down and all positions will be open for re-election," said Ms Weir.

"Joining the committee is a great way of being involved in your local community so why not consider standing?

"New people are always welcome."

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