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Collapse Issue 530:<br />18 Oct 2021<br />_____________Issue 530:
18 Oct 2021
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Labor candidate calls for release of skate park money
CWA installs second footpath library
Walk-in Pfizer clinic at Woy Woy hospital on Friday
Association makes public inquiry submissions available
Peninsula close to 75 per cent fully-vaccinated
Woy Woy Bay wharf repairs to start in November
Face-to-face bridge games to resume
Lions Club cancels car boot sale until next year
Umina CWA resumes meetings
Community garden covers beds for summer
Overseas trips are imagined
Online fundraiser is now open
Tesch co-sponsors voluntary assisted dying bill
Window display competition will run again
Thunderstorm brings 28.1mm of rain
Petition on Ettalong building height presented to Minister
Booker Bay site to be levelled for dual occupancy
When Open Forum is not open
Village needs a balance of bush and risk management
Residents rightly concerned about Ettalong character
Inquiry's anticipated scenario playing out?
Hospital visiting guidelines change
First rapid antigen tests arrive on the Peninsula
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Two plays presented virtually to end a long drought
Author shortlisted for Victorian Premier's history award
Art trail scheduled for December
College elections under way
Classroom doors and windows to be kept open
Netball 'clubhouse pack-up' starts
Women's bowling AGM
Players wanted for all girls' cricket
Athletics uniform recycling encouraged
Roster for greens use as bowls resumes
Free shirt and cap for men's softball players
Junior cricket launch at Umina
Umina men's bowling annual meeting
Unicycle club to meet at community centre

Inquiry's anticipated scenario playing out?

The Inquiry into the Central Coast Council fiasco got off to a bad start.

Any organization that can't set up a simple Zoom connection must be at the bottom of the range for incompetence, so the beginning didn't bode well for a good outcome.

For my 90th birthday, my daughter in New Jersey was able to set up three separate Zoom meetings with friends around the world, including speaking with one participant riding on a train in Oslo, so it's not that hard.

Perhaps, we can see the problem as symbolic of the whole breakdown of management ability within the Council, during the three years or so that councillors led us into the Slough of Despond from which Administrator Greatheart is going to extract us.

When the inquiry did finally get under way, the evidence presented was a good deal less than edifying.

Ex-councillors had hardly anything more to say than that they didn't know nuthin', which we could easily guess without their having to tell us so, and, if any of the testimony helped in uncovering the reasons behind Council's failure, it wasn't readily apparent.

Also, whining that other councillors were rude to you doesn't fit with the purpose of the inquiry: I've had councillors be rude to me, but you shouldn't be there, if you're so fragile that that behaviour interferes with your doing your job.

If what we've heard so far is a good sample, my suggestion would be that other ex-councillors do themselves a favour and not appear.

It was always obvious, from the start, that the terms of reference were designed to prevent any inquiry from undertaking a serious investigation.

When you add the confusion over who will give evidence and the see-sawing pronouncements about access to written submissions, the whole operation suggests a rudderless craft with no identifiable destination and a crew haplessly bailing just to keep it afloat.

The Commissioner must be desperately regretting her unfortunate decision to shoulder this undertaking and wondering how she can emerge with a shred of credible reputation left.

Still, perhaps it was always intended that the inquiry end in confusion and chaos, so we're only seeing the anticipated scenario played out.

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