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Collapse Issue 597:<br />24 Jun 2024<br />_____________Issue 597:
24 Jun 2024
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Giving detail of $700M 'not practical', say Council staff
State Budget funds work on Blackwall Rd intersection
Local Member visits Blackwall Reserve
Council staff reject increased tree budget
Men's Shed hands back keys to old premises
Ken Dixon receives OAM
Reid tells Council to hurry up
Changeover dinner
Life memberships awarded by Marine Rescue unit
Clean4Shore is highly commended
Kim Cole celebrates 20 years at Ettalong Diggers
Funds awarded to replace Marine Rescue vessel motors*
In-house cookery competition*
Tips about entering cooking competitions
Brigade called out for backyard fire
Charity event supports women facing domestic violence
First Aid course at Pearl Beach
Garage sale likely to become annual event
Planting day success at Guyangil Park
Reid asks for support for appeal for Mary Mac's Place
Social enterprise celebrates four years*
June rainfall already above average
Alterations and additions sought for Mantra day spa
Proposal to revoke Drainage Black Spots policy
Council applies for planning grant for Peninsula centres
Council staff respond to capital works submissions
Thanks to the volunteers
Two morning express services cut by stealth
No morning drop-off at Lifeline
Office block approved next to prime waterfront houses
Pervious land is needed to ease flooding*
'Phantom' performance was fabulous*
Masks reintroduced at hospital
Men's group looks through collection of vintage cameras
Injured motorcyclist airlifted to hospital
Aged care residents make mulled wine
Virus levels remain high*
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
CWA branch seeks sewing volunteers
Bouddi Foundation addresses Rotary Club*
Patchwork group makes project bags*
School captains thanked for Anzac role*
Visual art students have art camp during Vivid Festival
School band has a 'day out'
Boccia team wins regional championships
Under-16 girls are rugby league champions*
Term two disco*
School holds St John the Baptist Feast Day*
Woy Woy South competes in soccer gala day*
Goldilocks arrivals: not too early, not too late, just right
Former student wins TAFE awards*
Jeans for Genes Day generates $700*
Students have mindfulness sessions*
'Multimodal writing' lessons at Ettalong
New principal appointed for Woy Woy Public School
A big day today for Ettalong recorder group
Year 12 student pursues soccer dream in England*
NSW Rugby League charges after Woy Woy incident
President and vice-president win President's Cup*
Bridge club holds novice championship*
Charity event attracts 40 bowlers
Crazy hair and sock day*
Cycling group to hold Tour de Central Coast
Charity day for prostate cancer research*
Jacob Falconer qualifies for two national championships
Former Olympian attends judo club
Everglades Minor Singles championship played
Pickleball club starts six-week 'league'*
Gosford take a rugby win*
Rugby club celebrates 50th anniversary
Southern and Ettalong defeat Killarney 2-1*
Woy Woy holds Budgewoi to two-all draw*
Ettalong to host State Open Pennant finals
Swimming excellence recognised
Handicap Pairs final played
Ron Pursehouse Day raises $6000*
Union game transferred to Ettalong*



Pervious land is needed to ease flooding

I refer to Jane Hendy's comment in Peninsula News, June 11, about keeping Memorial Ave land as open space.

Pervious land has significance to ease Peninsula flooding.

It is obvious the council has failed to adequately investigate this area and makes unacceptable decisions.

The Woy Woy Peninsula Flood Study 2010 comments on the limited open pervious ground for water to infiltrate or for vegetation to soak up water.

What area of "open pervious ground" on the Peninsula has been covered with development which will exacerbate future flooding?

There are other reasons for concern listed in the 2010 flood study, such as flat topography, high water table, modified creeks and housing layout.

Have the Peninsula Flood Studies been of any value or have they been produced for the purpose of nominating for local government awards?

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