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Collapse Issue 525:<br />09 Aug 2021<br />_____________Issue 525:
09 Aug 2021
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Dredging allocation 'reflects government responsibility'

The allocation of funds to dredge the Ettalong Channel represents the NSW Government's acceptance that "it is responsible for the troubled waterway", according to Member for Gosford Ms Liesl Tesch.

Despite the fact that the government announcement did not specify how much money would be spent on the Ettalong Channel or when, Ms Tesch said she he had received a written confirmation from Transport Minister Mr Andrew Constance that Ettalong Channel dredging would be "fully-funded".

Ms Tesch said that concern had remained about whether the reclassification of the waterway in 2019 and a Government announcement in March this year actually meant full-funding for dredging.

She said Peninsula Waterways Committee chair Mr Mike Allsop had told her the Government had previously avoided acknowledging its responsibility for the full cost of dredging by falling back on the excuse that the "Brisbane Water is full of private jetties and marinas".

Ms Tesch said she wrote to the Minister in April to ensure the announcement meant full-funding for the Ettalong Channel.

"In April I wrote on behalf of the community to the Minister to clarify how much funding would be allocated as part of the identification of the Ettalong Channel as a 'key investment location'."

"I was delighted by the confirmation that full-funding was finally secured."

"Our community has fought hard for this recognition and funding from the NSW Liberal Government, and I am so pleased that the Peninsula won't be left high and dry anymore."

"The closure of our ferry service caused by a lack of dredging by the NSW Government hurt our locals, with many unable to see their family and friends, while others were prevented from going to work or school.

"Our local tourism also took a hit with businesses experiencing a huge reduction in visitors, and some closing due to the financial losses."

Ms Tesch said that in 2018 Central Coast Parliamentary Secretary Mr Adam Crouch had "fiercely denied the waterway was a State Government responsibility", claiming that it was "crystal clear that the waterways on our coastline that do not contain State maritime infrastructure assets are defined as 'local waterways', and are thereby the responsibility of local councils".

The narrative of 2018 in which Mr Crouch demanded the channel be opened at large expense by Central Coast Council has since changed to being the responsibility of the NSW Government and has been a long time coming.

Ms Tesch said the new announcement was a testament to the constant community pressure.

"We knew back in 2018 that the Channel needed ongoing dredging works from the NSW Government.

"It is great to finally have a resolution and see Mr Crouch admit to our community has the need and right to have our channel accessible.

"I trust the issues we experienced before will never happen again."

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