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Collapse Issue 537:<br />7 Feb 2022<br />_____________Issue 537:
7 Feb 2022
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Dual occupancy open for comment without plans

Central Coast Council has classified an application to build a dual occupancy at 57 Ridge St, Ettalong Beach with a status of public advertising, open for public comment.

However, while a number of documents are available through the council's planning portal, the council has not displayed the "public notification plans".

The basic layout can be gleaned from the arborist report prepared by Russel Kingdom for Red Apple Design.

This also shows two trees for removal, a frangipani and a rough-barked apple (angophora floribunda) with one tree, a mango on a neighbouring site, being retained.

The application prepared by Red Apple design says an existing timber-frame, single-storey dwelling would be demolished for the development.

"Existing improvements on the site have no significant architectural merit or historical significance and are currently in a level of disrepair," it states.

"The proposed development features two double-storey units articulated in a mix of single and double storey design.

"The envelope is well modulated and the facade articulated to eliminate long runs of blank wall.

"No large gable ends are utilized.

"Eave depths are 450mm throughout to provide shadow casts and further contrast to the facade.

"Units 1 and 2 are provided with north facing courtyard areas at ground level, featuring a mix of hard and soft finishes to enhance their livability.

"These courtyards are each accessible and mated to their corresponding living areas."

"To the street frontage, mixed material screen fencing is set back behind semi transparent plantings and articulated to avoid long, flat runs. Waste bin storage is screened from the street and entry."

The proposal does not comply to building height requirements.

The application states: "The maximum building height proposed is 8.815."

The site in question is flood prone.

"While the minimum floor level indicated in the report is 5.51m AHD, the storm water report prepared by Halcrows Engineers, has specified a minimum floor level of 6.1m AHD when considering the neighbours siting and the natural topography of the land.

"The result of this has in effect raised the building height to beyond the maximum allowance by .315m."

Another non-compliance is with the building envelope.

The application states: "The proposal seeks variation for east and west side boundaries.

"This encroachment has been limited and mitigated by reduced side setbacks north and south of the dwellings."

It is argued that strict compliance is unnecessary."

The application does not state that the proposal fails to comply with private open space provisions, but states: "The private open spaces provided are designed with consideration to the ultimate liveability of the dwellings.

"Each private open space allocated features a hardstand terrace sized to provide outdoor functions and is covered with a shade filtering pergola.

"All residual areas are to be available for soft landscaping by way of lawn and deep soil planting in accordance with the landscape principal plan.

"It is demonstrated these solutions achieve amenity equal to or exceeding the cause of the numerical standard."

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