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Collapse Issue 543:<br />02 May 2022<br />_____________Issue 543:
02 May 2022
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Ettalong lacks open space, study finds

Ettalong does not have enough open space unless a 200 metre radius is included in the calculation, a study presented with the Central Coast Green Grid has found.

Ettalong centre had just 0.01 hectare of public recreation land zoned RE1, a deficit of 39 hectares.

"This analysis found that all centres exceeded the target of three hectares of open space per 1000 people, using the 2016 population numbers when the planning area for open space included the centre, plus a 200 metres distance," the study found.

However, even including the extra 200 metres, more than half the population of Ettalong were outside a 200 metre radius of public open space.

"Greater availability of open space should be integrated into development plans," according to the Access to Open Space report, attachment five to the Central Coast Green Grid Plan.

The Ettalong Beach centre had a 2016 population of 12,660 and contained 58.2 ha of public open space within 200 metres the centre.

"Based on this population, there is 20.3 hectares of additional public open space above the target.

"While there is sufficient open space, only 48.6 per cent of residents were within a 200 metre radius of open space.

The predominant open space consists of foreshore beach reserves in the south of the centre and a number of 'local' parks.

It also included the inaccessible southern escarpment of Blackwall Mountain.

The report acknowledged: "These analyses did not consider the quality of the open space or the type of recreational opportunities that are available, including whether these are currently restricted.

"Some areas of bushland with limited recreational opportunities are zoned RE1, making them unsuitable for playing ball sports but suitable for jogging or walking if trails occur.

"Further research is needed to determine if the location of available recreational types relate to the local demand."

Similarly, with Woy Woy, "there is currently 32.9 hectares of public open space within and adjacent to the Woy Woy centre".

"Based on a 2016 population of 4722 people, there is 18.7 hectares of additional public open space above the target."

However, the map accompanying the report showed recreational land to include the multi-storey commuter carpark at Deepwater Plaza, a large area of inaccessible mangrove foreshore in Woy Woy Bay, Woy Woy library, paved carparks and the restricted area of Woy Woy oval.

The report states: "While there is sufficient open space, only 73 per cent of residents were within a 200 m radius of open space.

"The open space in this centre consists of a number of large sporting facilities, such as Woy Woy Oval, which offer quality opportunities for active recreation.

"However, there is a low number of smaller 'local' parks."

Elsewhere in the report, it states: "In areas of current and predicted high density, it is important to provide diversity in open space to serve the diverse demographic.

"As the Central Coast priority growth areas face increasing development pressure to meet new housing and employment targets, it becomes even more important to develop an open space network that improves the accessibility and quality of open space.

"It is recommended that these areas have a renewed focus on the implementation of greening initiatives and public domain improvements, to improve the existing open space and where possible provide additional areas of open space."

The report explained that the study area of each centre was based on a permitted floor space ratio greater than 0.6:1, and included a 200 metre distance catchment.

The study area used the ratio rather then existing town center boundaries, as it was often larger than the town centre boundary.

The number and percentage of dwellings and people within 200 metres was found to give an indication of "the level of 'walkability' for each centre".

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