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Collapse Issue 513:<br />22 Feb 2021<br />_____________Issue 513:
22 Feb 2021
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Amended Farnell Rd proposal reduces number of units

An amended proposal for a development at the corner of Farnell Rd and Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy, has been published on Central Coast Council's planning portal.

The proposal reduces the number of units to be built on the site to 18, a reduction of 15 from the previous application which had 33 units.

The amendments were lodged on January 12, but details were not made public until last week.

The public comment period will be open until March 26.

The proposal is to build 18 two-storey residential units in two stages with separate buildings of nine units each, with 31 on-site car spaces, at a total cost of $5.5 million.

On completion, the development is expected to be strata subdivided.

It includes 18 single garages, 11 car spaces "at grade" and two visitor spaces, with vehicle access by a single entry off Farnell Rd.

It involves clearing and ultimately consolidating five lots with existing dwellings.

The floor area of the development would be just over 2593 square metres on a total land area of 3721.5 square metres.

With a floor space ratio of 0.7:1, the proposal falls below the maximum permissible 0.85:1.

A landscape plan is described as having a theme and style which is intended to give the development "a high quality urban ambiance".

The area set aside for landscaping is 1490.1 square metre, including deep soil zones, soft landscaping, communal areas, courtyard and alfresco areas, which is more than the required minimum area of 40 per cent.

Each courtyard generally provides for the required five metre square area.

The proposed development has a design height of 7.617 metres, less than the height limit of 11 metre.

However, the development intrudes on required setbacks on three sides.

A statement supporting the application was submitted by consultant Wales and Associates on behalf of Apex Smarthomes Pty Ltd.

"The proposal is designed so that living areas open out to their respective alfresco courtyards and balconies rather than adjoining residential areas," the statement said.

The units would have "walls of windows that are shaded by framed balconies and verandahs plus exterior sunscreens, painted finishes and some sheet or board cladding rather than extensive plain masonry", it said.

"Where facades face the street, provision has been made for a traditional street address with visible verandahs, living rooms and front doors.

"The design seeks to screen driveways, terraces, courtyards and balconies to protect the privacy and amenity of neighbouring dwellings.

"The proposed two-storey multi-dwelling housing development will have some effect on the local environment as will any medium density or multi-unit development project.

"However, the effect will be offset by the provision of a high-quality residential facility that will provide substantial benefits to the local community.

"The subject site is suitable for the proposed development in relation to the impact of traffic, vehicle access, parking and safety considerations.

The list of "positive socio-economic benefits" included "improvement to the socio-economic standard of the immediate residential area" and "potential increase in local employment as businesses draw on the improved spending capacity of the new residents".

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